Throughout the year, every two to three weeks, our chair colloquium takes place. In this colloquium, doctoral and postdoctoral researchers at our chair present their research and discuss particular challenges they are facing in their work with the audience. Attending the chair colloquium is mandatory for researchers at our chair, as well as master students writing their theses at our chair. Beside attending the presentations of others and participating in the discussions, master students and researchers will each time give an update on the progress of their work. Master students will once give a presentation on their own research for their master theses. (This is their “informal presentation” of their work.)
- Junior researchers will receive feedback on their own work.
- From attending presentations by others and participating in the discussions, they will sharpen their critical and analytical thinking about research.
- They will learn about the content, methods, and ins-and-outs of each other’s research.
- Master students will learn about the way that scientific research in our domain is conducted.
- They will learn about the content, the methods, and the way of thinking about / evaluating research, plus about the way good research is being set up.
- They receive feedback on their own master thesis work.
- Regularly giving updates, and discussing their own progress improves the master thesis process.
- By attending the informal presentations by other master thesis students, they will receive valuable cues for improving their own work.
The chair colloquium takes place in a hybrid format. The date for the next colloquium will be agreed upon each time at the end of the colloquium
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