Fabienne Pradella won the award for the best poster at the 2018 conference of the German Society for Epidemiology (DGEpi) for her poster “Pränatale Exposition zu Ramadan und Geburtsergebnis: Ergebnisse der Mainzer Umfragestudie zu Ramadan in der Schwangerschaft” ("Prenatal exposure to Ramadan and birth outcomes: results of the Mainz survey on Ramadan during pregnancy”).
For this study, all pregnant Muslims giving birth in a clinic in Mainz over the time course of a year were approached in order to investigate fasting and other behavioral changes during Ramadan among pregnant Muslims in Germany, and to examine whether and how this affects the health of newborns.
The research project involved an interdisciplinary cooperation between scientists from the Gutenberg School of Management & Economics (Fabienne Pradella, Birgit Leimer and Reyn van Ewijk, Chair of Statistics and Econometrics) and scientists from the University Medical Center Mainz (Anja Fruth and Anette Queißer, Center for Paediatrics and Youth Medicine).
We congratulate Fabienne on this achievement!